Results ยป

The Results Node displays the solution summary and details the yields of the components.

Grid Views


Grid Views

Solution Summary


Solution Summary

This is a read-only grid and displays a Solution Summary. It is organized in columns as below:
    • Case: This column displays the list of cases.
    • Solution Status: This column displays a message reporting the solution status of the Optimization Run. The list of possible messages are shown in the Solution Status document described in the estimation tree.
    • Solution Date: This column shows the date and time of the Optimization results.
    • Objective: This column shows the objective value obtained for each case.


This is a read-only grid and displays the values of the optimized variables. It is organized in columns as follows:
    • Case: This column displays the list of cases.
    • Variable: It indicates the Compound, Pseudocompound or Derived Quantity variable that is being optimized. It can also be a basic variable like Temperature, Pressure, etc.
    • Property: It indicates the attribute of the Variable selected above such as the Yield, Selectivity etc. Basic Variable is indicated for variables like Temperature, Pressure, etc.
    • Value: The optimal solution values are reported.

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Copy Grid

Phase Values

Quick Run

Open Solver

Copy Grid

You can copy all the data in any of the views, so to be pasted in Excel or another suitable app. You must click on a grid to activate this feature.

Phase Values

Phase Values is used to select how the phase values of compounds should be displayed in all the child nodes.
It has up to three sub-actions:

This is the default option. Concentration (typically Molarity) values are shown for liquid and gas phase.

The total moles in each phase for every compound is shown.

Partial Pressure for gas; Concentration for Liquid
Concentration (typically Molarity) values are shown for liquid phase and Partial Pressure for gas phase.

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See Also: